The Magical Dilemma - I
The silent night was killing the instinct to work. The body needed the rest after the hard day's work. Mussa was puffing on the last remains of the smoke stick that he had promised to leave. Mussa thought to himself, “Nothing new. I have left it so often. I am sure this is not the last one for the life but just for today”.
Thoughts were interrupted by Raghu who shouted, “This is not working out”. A delivery getting stalled for lack of team members at that hour to complete. Mussa has this tendency to check if he can solve or help on something. That day was not different.
Raghu explained the problem best what he could make out. His judgement of brute strength approach was pushing the deliver not for a day but for a couple of days.
Mussa felt the need to help not because this was the simplest job that client had given for the first time but because this for the first real client after a long time. To add to this, Mussa had worked out how the complete project can be technically be handled.
Instead of ignoring the problem and going home, which was right to do since this was not his role, he left his personal commitment and opened his mind. Mind can be used to think faster than execute with hands. A minute of thought and an hour of hands on, Mussa explained how the work can be done without team members.
Raghu could not believe his ears. In his estimate of couple of days, the scheme of what Mussa suggested was impossible for him to comprehend.
Raghu said, “This is magic”. Surely it was for him. Another three hours and we all reached home with the client receiving the delivery.
Mussa did like the magic trick he performed. But then not only Raghu but others started asking for magic tricks. Successful magic lead them to believe that Mussa was a magician and can solve anything.
Mussa did realize that this was leading him to spend time on what he was not supposed to do. The faith in the magic kept increasing as Mussa rolled down the problems to solutions. The thing Mussa always questioned to others was “Why can't you do this?”
“We don't have the knowledge about this” was the standard answer. Mussa always counter argued saying,
“It is not the knowledge that you seek. It is the mind that needs to open and think laterally to come to a solution”
Days became years but the magic still goes on. Who is to blame? The magician who performs the magic or the crowd which sees magic, which is nothing but trick of mind.
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