Thoughtful Stories

These are the thoughts that are going on in the mind churner that have or have not seen the light of the life. The thoughts are deep down and sometimes not expressible. This is an attempt to interpret in the light which comes at the end of the tunnel.

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Caught in Lingo

What is Lingo? It is a term which I coined. Expansion of word 'Lingo' is lingering around and no where to go. I am sure many of us face this. Here are some of the lingos that I get caught in. Trying to get out of these lingos help me to either get into the same lingo or other better unknown form of new lingo.

Lingo 1
I am working out a plan on how something can be done. That is what I am supposed to do. After effectively delegating the work based on the plan thing start rolling. This is when lingo comes into play: the work is not upto the mark, or sometimes the person required is not available. Because of this the dates go hay wire. Dates haywire means problems. To get rid of the problem, take charge and do what I can for work delegated to other. By the time I get into one thing there is a new requirement that requires a plan. Now till either the new plan is created or the old lingo gets over, there is a complete mess. When the old lingo is over, the lingo for the new plan begins.
When will this lingo end? Experts say it is you yourself who needs to think and get out of it. Tell me in within these lingos, the experts have now put in another lingo for me. Where am I and what am I doing within lingos is what I am still struggling to find.

Lingo 2
Lingo within a lingo. In technicality it is a nested lingo. Macro plan that translates to micro. But within micro the nuances come to haunt me. Delegated micro leads to more nuances lingo. Why? Because the person working on it is deeply embedded in all nuance lingos not for one work but multiple work. Now with a nested lingo I sometimes not only address the nuance lingo but also get caught in the micro lingo. If I have to solve the nuance lingo I have to understand the micro lingo as well. So now with not macro but with micro and nuance the nested lingos traps me more than simple lingo. Why get into the nested lingo? Same common goal of getting work done on time. What happened to me? What am I doing? Do I understand what am I doing? Do the experts know what am I doing? Experts say, you are your own enemy. Kill the enemy within and there will be no lingos. What I feel is the delegated work not getting done is my responsibility. If I kill the enemy within myself and let the delegates do the delegated what delegates cannot do, am I not killing the final cause of delivering something on time? What am I struggling with? What am I killing? What is lingering within lingos is what I am trying to find.

Lingo 3
Lingo 1 and Lingo 2 in a statistically balanced count hits my complete balance. This is the overarching lingo. What am I doing? Where am I going? What is expected? What is reality? What is that I want to do? What is happening? Why is this the biggest lingo!!!

Experts say: this happens to everyone but one must come out of it. You have to do a self reflection to get to know what you will need to do to get over these lingos.
I say: where are your experience experts. If you have gone through it and know something why can't you help me reduce some of the lingo?
My mind says: yeah right. I have reached the threshold of my lingos so now I want to pass some lingos to experts who delegated me to do something.
The cycle is complete. We all are in lingo for something or the other and we knowingly or unknowingly are making others part of other lingos.


Blogger Unknown said...

3:29 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

clear the cobwebs

4:33 PM  

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